Scrivener Review for Authors of Middle Grades Literature

Scrivener Review for authors This Scrivener Review for Authors of Middle Grades Literature is part of PurdyBooks' writing tools for middle grade authors series. In this post, we'll take a look at Scrivener and explain why it is one of our top seven favorite writing tools. In our series, we ONLY feature the tools that we actually use on a daily basis. In other words, these are writing applications that we have found to be extremely helpful and worth purchasing for authors of middle grades books. Scrivener describes themselves as, "... the go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics..." Read on to see how we describe Scrivener and to find out why we like it so much. PurdyBooks Writing Tools for Authors Series Writing Tools: Scrivener Review for Authors of middle grades literature Review of Scrivener for Middle Grade Authors Scrivener can be an invaluable tool for middle-grade authors of all literary genres. We like it for the price, the functionality and the organizational tools it provides. Here's how Scrivener can benefit middle grade authors from beginners to experienced writers:Organizational Features:Storyboarding: Scrivener's corkboard feature allows you to visually organize and outline your stories, making it especially helpful for planning the structure of your middle grade tales.Chapter and Scene Organization: With the ability to easily move chapters and scenes around, Scrivener facilitates experimenting with different narrative structures, crucial for creating suspense in middle school fiction.Research and Reference:Research Folders: You can create research folders within Scrivener to store information about classic novels, short stories, or any other relevant material that inspires your literary themes.Writing Process:Distraction-Free Writing: The full-screen mode in Scrivener helps you focus solely on your writing, fostering a productive environment for crafting engaging and suspenseful narratives.Word Count Tracking: Scrivener allows you to set word count goals…

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Review of Scrivener for Middle Grade Authors

Free Book for Middle School Teachers…

Free Goodreads for Middle Grades book Get your free book for middle school teachers, students, parents, authors and librarians by signing up for our monthly newsletter. Use the newsletter sign-up form below or at the top of the right-hand column and you will be sent a link for receiving your free Goodreads for Middle Grades Literacy e-book. You will also receive a monthly PurdyBooks newsletter with information about helping middle school students enjoy reading and helping them become efficient lifelong readers. If, at any time, you want to unsubscribe from the newsletter, you can easily do that with one click.The Goodreads for Middle Grades book contains the following chapters, and more:Goodreads Crash CourseNavigating GoodreadsHow to Use Each Portion of GoodreadsSpecific Chapters for Teachers, Students, Parents, Librarians and Middle Grade Authors Get Your Free Copy of the Goodreads for Middle Grades Literacy e-Book Sign Up for Newsletter & Free Goodreads for Middle School Teacher... Sign up for our newsletter using the form at left. Just provide us with your email and hit the subscribe button. We promise, we NEVER share email addresses. You will get one email that just asks you to verify that you are a real person. Once you have clicked the link in that email, you'll get a second email with a link to the Goodreads for Middle Grades book. You will then have the option of reading the book directly on a DropBox web page or of downloading an e-pub file of the book. Then you will be able to read the book on your favorite e-book reader. (on your phone, computer, Kindle, iPad, etc.) Please feel free to contact us to let us know how you like the Goodreads book and/or the monthly newsletter. We love to hear from fellow members of the middle grades team. The Purdy Books Blog Welcome to the…

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Is SCBWI for Middle Grade Authors?

What is the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators? The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) is a professional organization dedicated to supporting and advocating for authors and illustrators of children's and young adult literature. It was established in 1971 and has since grown into a global community with thousands of members. SCBWI provides a wide range of resources, opportunities, and services to its members, including: Networking: SCBWI offers opportunities for authors and illustrators to connect with one another, share experiences, and build supportive relationships within the industry. This includes regional and international conferences, local events, critique groups, and online forums. Education and Information: The organization organizes workshops, webinars, and seminars on various aspects of writing, illustrating, and publishing children's books. Members can access valuable resources such as market information, industry guidelines, and publishing insights. Awards and Grants: SCBWI hosts prestigious awards and grants programs to recognize outstanding work in the field of children's literature. These include the Golden Kite Awards, the Sid Fleischman Humor Award, and various scholarships and grants to support writers and illustrators in their creative pursuits. Publications: SCBWI produces publications, both in print and online, that provide members with industry news, craft advice, interviews with professionals, and success stories. The organization's official magazine is called "The Bulletin." Advocacy: SCBWI actively advocates for the interests and rights of children's authors and illustrators. The organization promotes diversity, equality, and fair treatment within the industry and offers resources to help members navigate contractual, legal, and business aspects of their careers. SCBWI welcomes both published and aspiring authors and illustrators, and it is a valuable resource for anyone involved in creating literature for children and young adults. Logo for SCBWI Is SCBWI for Middle Grade Authors? Check out this Amazon Middle School Book Club. Yes, the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)…

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Differences Between Middle Grades and YA Literature

What Are the differences between Middle Grades and YA Literature? Middle grades and young adult literature are two distinct categories of literature that cater to different age groups and have their own unique characteristics. Let's take a look at the distinctions between middle grades and YA Literature.Middle grade literature is typically written for readers aged 8-12, although there is some overlap with the age range for young adult literature. Middle grade literature is characterized by its focus on stories and themes that are relevant to children in this age group. The writing style tends to be simpler, and the length of the books is typically shorter than young adult literature.Young adult literature, on the other hand, is written for readers aged 12-18. Young adult literature is characterized by its focus on stories and themes that are relevant to teenagers, including issues related to identity, relationships and personal growth. The writing style tends to be more complex, and the length of the books is typically longer than middle grade literature.In terms of content, middle grade literature often focuses on themes of friendship, family, and coming-of-age, while young adult literature often deals with more complex issues such as mental health, sexuality, and social justice.The key difference between middle grade and young adult literature is the age of the target audience and the themes and writing style that cater to their developmental needs and interests. Discover the Differences Between Middle Grades and YA Literature Characteristics of Middle Grades Literature Finding the Best Books for Middle Grade Students is a Team Effort of Parents, Teachers, Librarians & Students Middle grades literature is distinguishable by more than just the ages of their readership. Some key characteristics to look for in middle grades literature include:Protagonists of similar age: Middle grade literature typically features protagonists who are of similar age to the intended readership,…

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Trends in Middle Grade Literature

Current Trends in Middle Grade Literature ... Middle grade literature, which is aimed at readers between the ages of 8 and 12, is a vibrant and diverse genre that encompasses a wide range of styles, themes, and formats. In today's PurdyBooks blog post, we'll take a look at the difference between what is trending vs what is popular in middle grades literature and/or teen literature. Here are some of the current trends in middle grade literature: Empathy and Diversity: Middle grade books that promote empathy and diversity have become increasingly popular in recent years. These books often focus on characters from marginalized communities, and they encourage readers to understand and appreciate different perspectives. Graphic Novels: Graphic novels are becoming more prevalent in middle grade literature. These books use a combination of images and text to tell engaging stories that are visually appealing and accessible to a wide range of readers. Adventure and Fantasy: Adventure and fantasy continue to be popular genres in middle grade literature. Many of these books feature young protagonists who embark on epic quests, battle monsters, and explore magical worlds. Realistic Fiction: Realistic fiction remains a staple of middle grade literature. These books often deal with issues that are relevant to young readers, such as friendship, family, and identity. Own Voices: The Own Voices movement, which encourages authors from marginalized communities to tell their own stories, has gained momentum in middle grade literature. Many of these books focus on themes of identity, belonging, and cultural heritage. STEM: Middle grade books that incorporate science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) have become increasingly popular in recent years. These books aim to inspire young readers to engage with STEM subjects and pursue careers in these fields. Humor: Humorous middle grade books continue to be popular among young readers. These books often feature quirky characters and witty dialogue,…

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What are the middle grades reading trends?