Free Subscription to Audible Unlimited Plus

Whether you are an author or a bibliophile... or both... you have probably discovered the joys of audio books. I've been hooked on Audible books for a few years now, and I don't know how I survived without them before. I love them not only for their entertainment value, but also for how they've helped me to become a better author. (more on that later) In fact, the only thing better than enjoying Audible books is enjoying a free subscription to Audible Unlimited Plus. This free Audible subscription includes not only 3 free months of Audible Unlimited but also a free 3 month trial for Amazon Music Unlimited. You can't go wrong with a deal like this. Plus, the nice thing about Audible trial subscriptions is that it's fairly easy to cancel at the end of the trial subscription. I always add a reminder in my calendar about a week before the end of the free trial subscription of music or audio books. That way, if I decide that I don't want to continue the freebie subscription, I will remember to discontinue it before I get billed for another month. Using Audio Books to Improve your writing By now, you've heard it a thousand times in a hundred different ways. To be a good writer, you have to be a voracious reader. And it's absolutely true. But I've found it also helps to be a dutiful listener. And by this, I mean a dutiful listener of audio books. I've found that reading helps me in so many aspects of writing from getting ideas, becoming motivated and helping my overall writing ability. But I've found that listening to awesome narrators reading interesting books helps me with all of those writing components plus it also helps me improve my writer's voice. By focusing on how good narrators bring books…

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