Middle School Book Club

Middle School Book Club on PurdyBooks

Middle school book clubs provide an important service for middle school students, their parents, teachers, librarians and middle grade authors. Middle school is a time when students are starting to develop their own taste in literature. It is a crucial stage in life that could determine whether or not preteens and teens end up becoming readers or not. Yet unlike adults, middle school readers can’t visit bookstores, libraries or online book venues as easily as adults. They haven’t yet developed a network of fellow readers to help them make choices that fit their unique interests and needs. It is essential that students at this stage of life receive input from a variety of sources from both adults and peers.They need to be introduced to contemporary literature, classical books, fiction, non-fiction and books from all genres. That is why PurdyBooks is going all-in on helping middle school students find their own niche in the literary world. To that end, we have even started an online Middle School Book Club on Amazon where students and their mentors can share ideas, make book suggestions and discuss favorite reading topics.

middle school book club
Middle school book clubs are great for students, parents, authors, teachers & librarians.

Why are Middle School Book Clubs Important?

middle school book clubs
Promote reading for both enjoyment and knowledge.

A Middle school book club is important for middle school students for several reasons because they:

  1. Encourages a love of reading: Book clubs expose students to a variety of books and genres, which can help them discover new authors, topics, and styles that they might not have explored on their own. This exposure can help cultivate a love of reading, which can benefit them throughout their lives.

  2. Build reading comprehension and critical thinking skills: Book clubs provide an opportunity for students to engage in thoughtful discussions about books. Through these discussions, students can develop their reading comprehension skills and learn to think critically about the books they read.

  3. Foster social skills: Book clubs provide a forum for students to practice communication skills, such as listening, speaking, and expressing opinions. They can also learn to respectfully disagree with others’ perspectives and appreciate diverse opinions.

  4. Encourage independent thinking: Book clubs offer an opportunity for students to develop their independent thinking skills by reflecting on their own opinions and perspectives about books.

  5. Creates a sense of community: Book clubs create a sense of community among students who share a common interest in reading. This can help foster a positive school culture and provide a space for students to connect with others who have similar interests.

Book clubs can be a valuable tool for middle school students to develop their reading skills, critical thinking abilities, social skills, and sense of community.

Fun Books Versus Popular or Classic Books

What is the book trend of the day? What book does your literature teacher think you ‘should’ read? These are the questions answered by most book recommendations lists. That’s where the following books suggestions and favorite booklists are different. They don’t follow any certain literary fad, popular book trend or ‘books that stand the test of time’ nonsense. They are books that are listed for no other reason than they are fun. And yes, you have our permission to occasionally read for fun and relaxation and not for any higher world order. So feel free to look through our Purdy Book blog posts for fun books from all genres and all age/reading levels. Don’t lose track of the reason you fell in love with books and reading in the first place. PurdyBooks includes affiliate links on our site at no cost to our visitors, readers or subscribers. It’s how we keep this site up and running.