Best Halloween Books

What Makes the Best Halloween Books?happy halloween jack-o-lantern

Each person has unique & individual tastes in both literature and Halloween festivities. While some folks love bloody, violent horror, others prefer vintage spooky with a dose of humor. So at Purdy Books, we tried to compile a diverse list of the best Halloween books for all ages and scare tolerances. We’ve got Halloween picture books, Halloween teen books and adult Halloween books. Just like the Halloween books on Best Holiday Books, our list is both eclectic and popular. We hope you’ll consider selecting some of our book choices for your Halloween gift giving.

Books Included on Our Best Halloween Booklist

You would think there would be vast numbers of Halloween books to include on the list of best Halloween books. After all, Halloween is an incredibly popular holiday and there have been a number of scary books written over the years. But scary alone doesn’t qualify a book as a Halloween book. It must have other elements of our favorite October holiday. And most importantly, it should be set on or around Halloween. So we limited our list to seven really good Halloween books and made sure to include at least one of each of the following:

Best Halloween Books

Find the Best Halloween Books Here

If you are looking for the best Halloween books for gifts or for yourself, this is your new favorite Halloween book shopping solution. We’ve done the research to find you Halloween book favorites. All you have to do is click on the links below to add them to your shopping cart. If you decide you don’t like the selected book, you’ll be given other choices that are similar. We update our Halloween book recommendations each year. We have Halloween books for children, teens and adults.

Our Favorite Halloween Books​

Click on any one of these books to find out more information, to put it on your wish list or to order it for yourself or someone else.

halloween books infographic